Piece: Stone Fireplace
Cut from Homasote with Router
Show: The Children's Hour
Theatre: American Heritage Center for the Arts
Director: David Klein
Set Designer: Timothy S. Dickey
Carpenter: Nikolas Serrano

Piece: Wonka Factory Gate
Show: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Theatre: American Heritage Center for the Arts
Director: Brian Lovejoy
Set Designer: Timothy S. Dickey
Carpenter: Nikolas Serrano
Piece: Judge Podium
Show: Chicago
Theatre: American Heritage Center for the Arts
Director: Johnpaul Moccia
Set Designer: Katherine Field
Designed By: Nikolas Serrano
Prop Master/Carpenter: Nikolas Serrano
Drawing and Photo Below
Piece: Corn Stalks
Show: Oklahoma
Theatre: American Heritage Center for the Arts
Director: Johnpaul Moccia
Set Designer: Nikolas Serrano
Technical Director: Timothy S. Dickey
Carpenter: Nikolas Serrano
Below you can see process photos of the stalks made from maskers tape,
wire, string, and pvc pipes. On the left is a show photo of them in action.
Piece: 12' Bayou Tree
Show: A Midsummer Night's Dream
(Set in the Louisiana Bayou)
Theatre: American Heritage Center for the Arts
Director: David Klein
Set Designer: Katherine Field
Technical Director: Timothy S. Dickey
Carpenter: Nikolas Serrano

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